New DOAJ Indexed Journals in December 2024

New DOAJ Indexed Journals in December 2024

DOAJ Indexed Journals – In December 2024, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) has added a wide array of new journals to its collection, expanding access to high-quality academic content.

This post will explore the latest DOAJ-indexed journals, discuss their significance in advancing global academic research, and provide insights into how these journals contribute to the fields of science, technology, humanities, and more.

DOAJ Indexed Journals in December 2024

Cifra: Психология3034-1604
SEISENSE Business Review2788-7561
Porto Biomedical Journal2444-8672
Acta et Commentationes: Ştiinţe Exacte şi ale Naturii2587-3644
Theatrum Historiae2571-0621
Wrocławsko-Lwowskie Zeszyty Prawnicze2957-2479
Research Journal of Applied Biotechnology2682-3470
پژوهش‌نامۀ انتقادی متون و برنامه‌های علوم انسانی2383-1650
Archaeological Inscriptions2974-4024
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Heritage Research2785-9622
Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Tarbiyyaẗ – Asyūṭ2536-961X
International Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches2812-6084
Лечащий Врач2687-1181
Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física e Saúde2317-1634
Managerial Economics2353-3617
Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry2456-5164
Guidelines and Standards in Chinese Medicine2837-8806
Türk Kütüphaneciliği2147-9682
Plant Perspectives2753-3603
Horticulture Research Journal2974-4474
Egyptian Journal of Animal Health2735-4946
مطالعات تطبیقی حقوق کشورهای اسلامی2980-8014
Indian Journal of Chemistry2583-1321
Journal of Industrial Textiles1530-8057
Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India2753-7269
Digital Transportation and Safety2837-7842
Dialektika: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial2598-781X
Diance yu yibiao1001-1390
Yixue xinzhi zazhi1004-5511
Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies2580-1260
GIornale Italiano di Psicologia e Medicina del Lavoro2785-1338
Journal of the ACS Advances in Computer Science2682-3578
Sustainable Earth Trends3060-6225
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Ilmu Komputer2988-747X
Fengjing Yuanlin1673-1530
Ação Ergonômica2965-7318
Sharia Agribusiness Journal2798-2068
Meitian dizhi yu kantan1001-1986
Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains Sosial, dan Agama2745-567X
Journal of Islamic Education Management2722-5534
Вестник Северо-Кавказского федерального университета2307-907X
Culturas Midiáticas2763-9398
Boletim IBCCRIM2965-937X
Emerging Technologies and Engineering Journal3007-2875
المجلة العلمية للبحوث الإدارية والمحاسبية والاقتصادية والقانونية2974-3974
Psychology International2813-9844
Hanjie xuebao0253-360X
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures2423-7043
Humán Innovációs Szemle2939-8614
JAI (Jurnal Anestesiologi Indonesia)2089-970X
Гуманитарные и юридические исследования2409-1030
International Journal of Economic Plants2349-4735
Ankem Dergisi2667-7652
Acta Chimica Asiana2550-0503
Pielęgniarstwo Neurologiczne i Neurochirurgiczne2299-0321
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi2667-4068
Journal of Social Behavior and Community Health2783-2104
Rad Hrvatske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Matematičke Znanosti1849-2215
European Management Studies2956-7602
Српска правна мисао2233-0410
Jurnal Bangunan, Konstruksi & Desain3021-7547
ZAD Al-Mufassirin2723-4002
Atti della Societá Toscana di Scienze Naturali Residente in Pisa: Memorie Série B0365-7450
Communio Viatorum3029-6374
Journal of Siberian Medical Sciences2542-1174
Jurnal Metaedukasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan2714-7851
Cultivos Tropicales1819-4087
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research2723-035X
Buletin Riset Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental2776-1851
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy1432-0851
Gobierno y Administración Pública2735-7074
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets2449-6634
Contemporary Mathematics and Applications (ConMathA)2686-5564
Literatura i Kultura Popularna2957-241X
Folia Orientalia0015-5675
Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling2059-4879
Derecho en Sociedad2215-2490
Bellas Artes2530-8432
Güncel Pediatri1308-6308
Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research2582-7901
Indonesian Language Education and Literature2502-2261
Journal of Urologic Oncology2982-7043
Antiviral Therapy2040-2058
JEA (Jurnal Edukasi AUD)2615-5907
JL3T (Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching)2580-2348
Journal of Geomine2981-0876

To download the complete list of DOAJ Indexed Journals, please visit: DOAJ Indexed Journals.”

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